15. 6. 2020
Enlit Europe sa posúva o rok
Zodpovedne sme sa pripravovali a je to tu! Enlit Europe (Miláno) sa posúva na rok 2021.
Zostávame však aj naďalej v spojení s Enlit Europe, ktorej tím práve pracuje na online platforme. Tá by mala až do termínu konania konferencie poskytnúť priestor na prepájanie a inšpirovanie energetickej komunity.
Ako sa vyjadril riadieľ Enlit Europe Paddy Young: "We are obviously disappointed that the physical Enlit Europe won’t be able to take place this year, however after talking to our Enlit Europe Impact Circle members, partners, stakeholders, sponsors and exhibitors and asking them what it is they need in these uncertain times, it became clear: the need to stay connected, do business, share best practice and foster and finance innovation is more urgent than ever."