
Deviation billing on the electricity market according to valid rules from January 1st, 2005

SEPS, a.s. decided to provide, until December 31st, 2004, the challenging task in implementing new legislation rules in deviation recording on the electricity market that become valid from January 1st, 2005 with the delivery of the XMatik® NT/OFS V5.0 product. 
Upon delivery, it provides support for entering hour diagrams in ESS XML format, support for entering supplier hour diagrams, modification of evaluation of system fees according to the URSO 0001/2004/05/E decision, modification of evaluation of access fees according to the URSO 0001/2004/05/E decision, support for entering the price list for control energy, evaluation of supplier hour performance, invoicing modifications in customer and supplier deviations according to the URSO 0006/2004/05/E decision, support for unbundling, support for measured values of import in MS CONS format, rules and modifications for subject deviation pricing according to the decision URSO 0006/2004/05/E decision. Simultaneously, the interface is also realized for the customer operated Empire system.

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Direct contact
Peter Chochol
sales director
+421 2 50213142
Direct contact
Chochol Peter
sales director
+421 2 50213142
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