Sféra became one the partners of the research project in the SANET network
On 28.5.2020 the Research Agency and Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information signed an agreement on the provision of non-repayable financial contribution to the SANET Research project and possibilities for its further using and development.
The project will be implemented by a consortium of 6 institutions in terms of support of mobilization of excellent research teams in the areas of specialization RIS3 SK of non-Bratislava region with the code OPVaI-VA/DP/2018/1.1.3-05.
The applicant is the Center of Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic, there are 4 partners University: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Technical University in Košice, Comenius University in Bratislava, University of Žilina in Žilina and the company SFÉRA, a.s.
The project will carry out industrial research in the following areas:
- Research of sophisticated security mechanisms, network adaptation for delivery of high quality multimedia content and high speed data transmission from sensor networks.
- Research in the field of advanced monitoring flows and security event evaluation for e-Cloud Computing networks systems.
- Research of the network environment in the Slovak academic network SANET from the point of view of increasing its security and access protection.
- Research in the field of data metroclusters.
We are glade to be able to participate together with partner universities and CVTI SR on new research and development projects in the segment.