International project final evaluation
Meeting of international project committee, which managed
process of Slovak and Czech short-term electricity market
integration was held on October 12 and 13, 2009 in Malá Tŕňa.
The meeting evaluates period from successful introduction of common
market, when the September 1, 2009 was the first trading day of
interconnected Slovak and Czech market. The participants were
representatives of three major project members, i.e. OTE,
a.s., ČEPS, a.s. from Czech Republic and SEPS, a.s. from
Slovakia; representative of Ministry of Economy of the Slovak
Republic and representative of Euroenergy, spol. s r.o. (project
coordinator from Czech Republic). Representative of INDRA Czech
Republic, s.r.o. as a supplier of IS OTE, representative of INDRA
Slovakia, a.s. (consultant of SEPS, a.s.) and representatives
of our company as a supplier of Information system of market
organizer for SEPS, a.s. with commercial name XMtrade®/ISOT
were participated. All of participants evaluated positive project
results, very short time for execution and consulted other
possibilities and further cooperation opportunities regarding
Integrated market support.